December 31, 2008

at the end of a wonderful year

Sekedar me-rewind,
tahun ini, saya:
  • lulus cpns. yay! di parepare! coming home...
  • sambil nunggu SK, masih sempat menjelajahi Baraka sampai ke sudut-sudutnya dengan alasan puskel, hehehe...
  • punya hape baru :) sebenernya nggak penting, tapi buat saya ini sejarah karena sebelum-sebelumnya dapat lungsuran melulu
  • pas dapat SK, penempatan RS, sama Icem pula
  • ikut training ESQ. an unforgettable three days
  • masih diberi kesempatan berlebaran (idul fitri dan idul adha) dengan nenek. Alhamdulillah.
  • bisa ke jogja. Jogja! Kota impian. Dreams come true. Jalan ke banyak tempat, meskipun cuma satu setengah hari *kurang*
  • dapat 3x kain kebaya untuk seragam. means tahun ini ada tiga orang-orang dekat yang melibatkan saya dalam pernikahannya

Tetap saja sih, tahun ini juga ada air mata. Kesedihan dan kekecewaan. Masih banyak keinginan yang belum tercapai. Tapi secara umum saya menganggap bahwa tahun ini adalah tahun yang indah.

Ah ya, tahun ini juga, saya (akhirnya) menyadari apa yang benar-benar berarti dalam hidup saya. Meminjam kalimat yang sering dikutip Icem dari New Moon-nya Stephenie Meyer; "akhirnya dia menyadari dengan siapa dirinya tak dapat hidup". ^_^

That's all. Nggak penting banget ya. Anyway, Happy New Year!

December 27, 2008

Congrats! Pengumuman CPNS Parepare

Selamat buat teman-teman sejawat Dokter/Dokter Gigi yang lulus penerimaan CPNSD Kota Parepare:

- dr. Ibrahim Kasim
- dr. Novita
- dr. Masati Muhiddin
- dr. Ikhwan
- drg. Nurwahida
- drg. Indah Ikawati

Untuk formasi lainnya liat sendiri di Kantor BKD Parepare, hehe... Maaf cuma sempat tulis yang ada di atas, ini juga liatnya di BKD buru-buru sebelum ngantor. Well, ya, pengumumannya tidak dimuat di koran, trus nilainya juga tidak dicantumkan (bikin yang nggak lulus berprasangka macam-macam). Dan, ya juga, di saat yang lain menikmati a very long weekend, saya tetep masuk kerja :(

Sekali lagi, buat yang lulus, selamat yaaa...!

December 11, 2008

Lyrics #1: Fixing A Broken Heart, by Indecent Obsession

Fixing A Broken Heart
Indecent Obsession

There was nothing to say the day you left
I just filled a suitcase full of regrets
I hailed a taxi in the rain
Looking for some place to ease the pain

Then like an answered prayer
I turn around and found you there

You really know where to start
Fixing a broken heart
You really know what to do
Your emotional tools
Can cure any fool
Whose dreams have fallen apart
Fixing a broken heart

I know I don’t understand
What I’m going through
There must be a plan that led me to you
Because the hurts just disappear
In every moment you are near

Just like an answered prayer
You make the loneliness easy to bear

Repeat Chorus

Soon the rain will stop falling, baby
And I’ll forget the past
Cause here we are at last

Repeat Chorus

December 04, 2008

Quote #4

Yesterday is a history
Tomorrow is a mystery
Today is God's gift
That's why we call it 'the present'

(Joan Rivers)

Quote #3

"At some point, maybe we accept that the dream has become a nightmare. We tell ourselves the reality is better. We convince ourselves it's better that we never dream at all. But the strongest of us, the most determined of us, we hold on to the dream. Or we find ourselves faced with a fresh dream we never considered. We awake to find ourselves... against all odds... feeling hopeful. And if we're lucky, we realize... in the face of everything, in the face of life, the true dream... is being able to dream... at all."

(Dr. Meredith Grey, Grey's Anatomy -Season 3)

December 02, 2008

my japanese name is.....

Your Japanese Name Is...

Tamiko Sanjo

What's your Japanese Name?

hehehe... posting ngga penting mulu nih

my inner color is...

Your Inner Color is Yellow

Your Personality: Life's too short not to have fun. Your bright energy brings joy and laughter to those around you.You in Love: A total flirt, you need a lot of freedom to play. But you'll be loyal to that one person who makes you feel safe.Your Career: You love variety in a job, and you probably won't stick with one career. You would make a great professor, writer, or actor.

What's Your Inner Color?

pas banget kan ;-)